On 25-26 October, during the Real Estate Management Congress, the modern approach to management of real estates and office areas was discussed on the PGE Narodowy (National Stadium) in Warsaw by almost as many as 500 specialists.
During two days of practical training, lectures and business talks, the experts discussed the role of man in the strategy of commercial real estate management. As it is man, his skills and work which are the main resources of modern organisations, particular attention must be paid to his comfort and efficiency in the built place.
During the congress, companies operating strictly in the Facility Management industry presented their products and services.
Clar System found its place among the exhibitors.
The company was represented by: Facility Management Director – Mr. Tomasz Urbanowicz, Business Development Manager – Mr. Damian Szcześniak and Mr. Daniel Romanowski, and Regional Sales Manager – Mr. Piotr Cholewiński.
The conference resulted in establishment of many business contacts with potential Customers; it also turned out to be an excellent opportunity to advertise the company.